Know Someone With Forward Head Posture?

Know Someone With Forward Head Posture?

Forward head postureForward head posture

No wonder you’re always tired. You have a forward head posture!

Neck pain, fatigue, carpel tunnel syndrome, TMJ syndrome, fibromyalgia, headaches ~ can how you hold your head be the cause of all these conditions? If you, or someone you know, suffers from forward head posture, and an estimated 90% of the population do, then the answer is definitely yes!

With correct head posture, the ear is centered over the shoulder. If the ear is off center to the front of the shoulder, this is known as forward head posture. For every inch the head is forward of this center position, it exerts an additional 10 pounds of pressure on the muscles in your neck and upper back, causing them to work harder to keep your head erect and your chin up!

But how do you get into the habit of a forward head posture? Today’s use of computers, television and video games may contribute to this condition which ultimately compresses discs and causes extensive damage.

Here are several ways to help correct this condition:

Break up you time using computers or video games


Chiropractic and or physical therapy in conjunction with dental care

Have an evaluation for TMJ or repair or replace missing back teeth.  Missing back teeth can affect the proprioception between the upper and lower jaws affecting head and neck posture. Proprioception is your brains ability to know its position is space relative to the rest of your body.

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