Vaguslase sm and Vaguslase Jr

Vaguslase is a targeted transcutaneous Vagus nerve photoneurobiomodulation using gentle infrared Neodymium:YAG laser for the neurobiomodulation of the vagus nerve . One of the main focuses of the treatment is for acute vagus nerve dysfunction and the related chronic or episodic tinnitus or or vertigo . Currently there is not curative treatment f or tinnitus . We feel that Vaguslase is a safe therapy that has potential to reach out to this unmet need. transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation is not a “cure” for any condition , but it can be an effective adjunctive therapy and allow the brain/ nervous system to “reboot” to a healthier balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic states . think of your vagus nerve as your body’s neurochemical “super highway ” carring signals between the brain and your vital organs . Reach out to us today for more information !