Today, 3D imaging provides a way for patients to efficiently receive their diagnoses, treatment plans and quicker results in creating the perfect smiles.

The Old Way to do X-rays

Most of us have a memory of visiting the dentist to do those dreaded x-rays. However, what made them dreadful no longer exists today with 3D imaging. Traditional x-rays involved using multiple dental x-ray films that were incredibly uncomfortable to fit and hold in the mouth. People with smaller mouths had a much more difficult time using these. The x-ray technician had to leave the room while a heavy apron draped over the patient. At times, x-rays weren’t clear so another set had to be done.

X-rays have been used to discover dental issues above and below the gum line. For instance, dentists can discover cysts, abscesses, cavities, impacted teeth, wisdom teeth, bone changes, fractured teeth, tumors and other issues in the mouth. They are, therefore, a necessary part in diagnosing dental issues to correct them. However, old x-rays weren’t always so clear. At times, a new set had to be done because some areas of the mouth remained hidden or the film could not be clearly seen. Traditional x-rays use two-dimensional images, which is why they could not show the mouth from different angles, and to get a different angle of the mouth, traditional x-rays had to be taken from different angles.

X-rays have proven to be vital for various dental diagnoses, but thankfully, 3D imaging provides a quicker, more comfortable and more efficient way at approaching dentistry.

Benefits of Using 3D Imaging

3D dental imaging helps to minimize the exposure to radiation, and is far more comfortable to complete than traditional x-rays. Digital x-rays provide patients with 80 to 90 percent less radiation than traditional x-rays. With new 3D imaging, the contrast of the image can be changed to improve its clarity. 3D dental imaging allows the mouth to be viewed from different angles without needing to take multiple shots from different angles. Images can be viewed immediately, and the images can show the final position of teeth and bones once corrections of dental issues have been done. This is why 3D imaging allows for greater precision in diagnoses and correction of dental issues. The result is a faster dental office visit with fewer potential office visits.

After the dentist makes the diagnosis and treatment plan is created, patients can view the results of their completed treatment plan. This form of accuracy allows dentists to predict potential future complications as well.

Regular Dental Visits

It’s still important to visit a dentist twice a year to have digital imaging done, however, 3D imaging provides a more efficient way to take dental images of the mouth, which makes it less of a chore. This comprehensive approach to dentistry allows patients to view the conditions of their mouths quickly and discover whether their current cleaning habits are adequate. It allows dentists a more inclusive view into the patient’s dental habits and current oral conditions as well.

With advancements in dentistry, it’s still important to follow good dental habits. Brush teeth, at least, twice a day. Floss and use mouthwash. Chewing gum after each meal helps to increase saliva in the mouth, which lessens the amount of plaque that will end up on the teeth. Plaque is responsible for cavities and other dental issues. Drinking an adequate amount of water helps with saliva production as well, and it helps to flush away harmful bacteria from the mouth.

Visiting the dentist is important. Dentists don’t only provide information on dental hygiene, but dentists are able to inform patients of greater potential health problems that may be associated with the current conditions of their mouths, such as oral cancer or diabetes. Schedule an appointment today, and discover the easier and more effective approach to dentistry.