Who Needs Dental Bonding?

There are many reasons a patient may need dental bonding, which include:

  • To repair teeth that are decaying. The material used in dental bonding fills cavities.
  • Dental bonding can repair teeth that have been chipped or cracked.
  • The material used in dental bonding can be an effective way to help discolored teeth have an improved appearance.
  • Dental bonding can close gaps and spaces between teeth.
  • Teeth can appear younger when dental bonding is performed.
  • The shape of teeth are able to be altered with dental bonding.
  • Dental bonding is an ideal cosmetic alternative to amalgam fillings.
  • When gums recede, part of the tooth root is exposed, which can result in pain and an increased risk of infection. Dental bonding can provide protection to the exposed tooth root.

Although the bonding material is strong, it does have limitations. In most cases, dental bonding is ideal for patients who need to have the following:

  • Minor cosmetic changes.
  • A temporary correction of a cosmetic defect
  • Correcting problems on teeth that have a low bite pressure such as the front teeth
  • What is the Procedure Like?


With dental bonding, there is little pre-procedure treatment that is needed. In most cases, anesthesia will not be administered. However, anesthesia will be used if the dentist is performing a filling on a decayed tooth. A shade guide will help a dentist determine which color of composite resin will best match the color of the patient’s teeth.

The Bonding Process

To begin the bonding process, a patient’s tooth surface will be roughened. A conditioning liquid will also be applied to the tooth. This to to help the bonding material effectively adhere to the tooth. Next, a resin that matches the color of the patient’s tooth will be applied, molded, and smoothed. A dentist will use an ultraviolet light or laser to help the material harden. When the material becomes hard, further shaping and trimming will be performed by a dentist. The dentist will then polish the area being treated so it matches the surface of the tooth. The entire procedure for each tooth will take around 30 to 60 minutes to complete.

What are the Pros and Cons of Dental Bonding?


Dental bonding is considered simplest and most affordable cosmetic dental procedure. Veneers and crowns are designed to custom fit each tooth, so they must be made at a laboratory, which can be expensive and take more time to complete the procedure. Another benefit of dental bonding is there will be less removal of tooth enamel as compared to veneers and crowns. Furthermore, dental bonding only requires anesthesia when a cavity is being filled.


The resin material that is used with dental bonding is stain resistant, but crowns will resist stains better than dental bonding material. Furthermore, dental bonding material is not as lasting as other cosmetic dental procedures, which include crowns and veneers. In addition, the material used in dental bonding is also susceptible to chipping and breaking from the tooth.

How Does a Patient Care for Teeth That Have Been Bonded?

Teeth that have been bonded will not need specific care. Proper oral hygiene can help the material last longer and show minimal signs of stains. It is advised that an individual brush his or her teeth twice per day for two minutes. An individual should also floss at least once per day and use an antiseptic mouthwash. Routine dental cleanings and exams can also promote good oral health.

Bonding material is prone to chipping, so it is advised a patient refrain from biting his or her nails, chewing on hard objects (pens and ice) and using bonded teeth to open objects. If there are jagged edges on a tooth that has been bonded or it feels worn down when the patient bites, then he or she should contact a dentist.

How Long Will Bonding Material Usually Last?

How much bonding was performed and how well a patient practices good oral hygiene will have a great impact on how long the bonding material will last. In most cases, when properly taken care of, bonding material can last from 3 to 10 years before it needs to be replaced or repaired.

If you have teeth that would benefit from dental bonding, then get in touch will us today!