TMJ Next Generation for TMJ (jaw) and facial pain

We are happy to announce that Dr.Shiffman’s Boynton Laser Dental Center is now a provider for the TMJNextgen appliance. The Nextgen appliance fits into your ear and helps control clenching and grinding of your teeth that can contribute to facial and jaw joint pain. Teaming with your ENT or audiologist who takes the inner ear molds by our prescription , we then prescribe the appliances which are computer molded in a high tech laboratory here in the USA. We then deliver and teach you how to place the soft clear rubber appliances. The appliances do not interfere with your hearing and because of the placement they are virtually invisible. The appliances are removed for eating and cleaning. In some cases co-therapy with a bite appliance may be necessary, along with modification of your bite . This team approach helps to better treat and identify your issues. We constantly strive to be on the cutting edge of technology that will improve your overall health and your clinical experience so that you will be confident in choosing Dr. Harvey Shiffman as your Boynton Beach Dentist.

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