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Burning Mouth Syndrome

An article published recently presents some interesting information. Many of our adult patients suffer from “Burning Mouth syndrome” or “Burning tongue syndrome”. It is characterized by a consistent feeling of a burning sensation, on the lips, tongue, and the roof of the mouth,that doesn’t diminish with time. The article discusses the possibility that damage to the nervous system during menopause may be to blame. The syndrome affects about 5 % of Americans. It appears that BMS patient’s nerves are processing stimuli incorrectly. “there’s a short circuit in the nervous system and the brain can’t turn off the pain receptors. the study showed that although BMS can effect both sexes it occurs 7 times more often in menopausal and postmenopausal women. We at Boynton Laser dental center have been using cold laser biostimulation to help reduce or eliminate the symptoms successfully in some of our patients.

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